In honor of the Olympics, which are currently taking place in London, Clean Sheets and Dirty Girls presents the lovely hurdler Michelle Jenneke:
Hi, Everybody!
So Michelle, I hear you dance before you race.
Any chance you want to do that dance right now?
C'mon, you know you want to.
We're off to a good start.
Wow, there's even a little hop at the end of your dance- cute.
Someone should tell her to get down from there.
If you're going to draw attention to yourself, you better be good
at what you do...
...because people will judge you if you fail just like it appears
that girl in the green shirt on the left is doing at this moment.
So, Michelle, are you any good?
(Security guard enjoying his view of the starting line)
Not bad for Michelle so far
Especially since this is clearly not easy to do
But it looks like...
...she's pretty good at this.
If you hit the hurdle button this early in the second
level of Contra, your guy would be flashing right now.
Anybody here?
Guess not
Victory Lap!!
She's attractive even when she's blurry.
C'mon scientists, you're telling me that we can put a guy on the
Moon but we can't make shorts that don't ride up?
Looks like we're at the end *wink*
Finally, here is the entire video of Michelle Jenneke's
dance and race set to creepy strip club music